i think madelyn was as excited to see the moms as she was to see the kids from our neighborhood. we hadn't seen some of them in a few months since the snow has driven us all indoors and it was nice to catch up a little while the kids played.

after playing, we got some lunch and went to pick up some wrapping paper and tape at target. i had also wanted to go to the grocery store, but madelyn had different plans for the day. there is definitely something going on with her right now. she just melts down for no reason and can't seem to decide what she actually wants. additionally, she has been super clingy to me since i got back from chicago. i think she is afraid that i am going to leave again. she doesn't even want to get in the car with me. and sunday at church she started crying and saying "no" when we pulled into the parking lot - we had gotten past the crying for a few weeks. i would say that she has just not been herself for the past four days. we are hoping that this will pass quickly because there is no telling when she will melt down and it is not clear how to resolve why she is upset; mainly because i don't think she knows why she is upset.
hopefully tomorrow will be better since i took the day off so that i could run errands, mail christmas cards, and ship some packages - i am going to need her cooperation. love.
The play palce sounds neat - too bad its pricey. Its like they know you have limited options and can charge lots of $$$.
Sorry to hear Maddie has been an emotional mess of sorts. You may be on to something with the fear of you leaving. It seems logical. Do you have to go away again any time soon?
18 months seems to be the peak of separation anxiety ... so hopefully Maddie will grow out of it quickly enough :)
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