the worst part of the outing was trying to get back into the car. i was struggling a little with my laptop case, diaper bag, holding maddie's hand, the falling snow (and the snow slush on the ground), and the limited mobility of being all bundled up. madelyn's hat refused to stay on correctly on the way out, so she was bare headed in the snow. now here is the worst part - we had just gotten to the car (after maddie had slipped and fallen in the wet slush and soaked her pants) when a lady came around the back of the car next to us and said "excuse me". her car was the one next to us and she had us step out of her way and wait while she slowly, very slowly, got into her car. i just kept wondering, who does that. who makes a mother loaded down with bags, with a small child wait in the snow while you take your sweet time getting into the car. and then she didn't even wait for me to get madelyn in the car before she started backing up. really it just makes me sad for her.
anyway, time-warner came out on friday morning and got us back up and running.
now back to the maddie updates. here are just a few of the latest happenings with maddie:
- when i count out numbers, she says "two" after i say "one". she also counts out "two, three" like she says "set, go" when she is about to do something.
- when i spell her name out with her alphabet blocks she points to and says the "m" and the "l". instead of "a" she says "ah"
- "apple" and "off" are the latest significant additions to her vocabulary.
- i was preparing broccoli (frozen) for dinner one night and maddie took a piece and started eating it. realizing that it wasn't as good frozen, she took her stool over to the toaster oven to "cook" it.
- i have shown how madelyn 'swims', but this week she has been laying down on the floor on her belly pushing herself backwards telling me that she is "swimming" or that she is going to "swim".
- madelyn fell asleep thrusday night on the way home from shopping (matt had a christmas party on friday night that we needed to find a gift for) so we decided to just put madelyn to bed without a bath. she actually did great getting out of her clothes and into her pjs without ever really waking up - in fact, she never made a peep. so since there was no bath, i had her take a shower with me in the morning. she was so funny. she has taken showers with me before, but she was really excited about it this time and kept running back and forth under the water giggling. she threw a little bit of a fit when it was time to turn the water off. but once out of the shower, instead of a towel madelyn headed straight for the next obvious choice - breakfast. i guess there is nothing like a shower to bring back your appetite. madelyn ran back to the table to finish off what was left of her cereal. i took pictures of madelyn sitting at the table eating dripping wet, but they were a little too racy for the blog.
- yesterday i was vacuuming and madelyn hides in the laundry room when i do (not that she is scared, it is more of a game), when i turned off the vacuum she started calling out "stuck". of course i thought that she meant herself, but then she came running out.
- madelyn's favorite game these days is "sleeping" and she likes for matt

as you can see, lots of indoor entertainment here. i am headed to chicago tomorrow and will be there until thrusday (work conference), so there probably won't be any posts for a while. love.
How rude of that lady. Very resourceful on your part! I can't imagine that much snow! I love the abrupt ending to the toaster oven video 'yuckies!' The sleeping game is a big hit around here too. I think its hilarious that Maddie uses her fingers to close her eyes :)
Great thinking with the Panera plan --- sounds like it worked pretty well, rude lady aside.
I love how adamant she is with her 'yes!' when you ask if bear is stuck ... like, "YES! That's what I've been trying to tell you. Put the camera down and get him out!"
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