matt was also asking her about being a "big sister". tonight she was adamant that she wanted a "girl baby". matt said that it would be okay if another girl was just like her.
she begs for "ring around the rosie" all the time now (i just taught it to her recently after reading that her cousin annabell likes to sing it at the library). it makes me crazy dizzy after just one singing, but she likes to sing it again and again. luckily, she was willing to do it by herself so that i could take some video.
(apparently i cannot opperate my camera properly and will have to try the video again tomorrow.)
i thought that i would show why there are so few pictures these days. she was laying on the couch quietly reading a book yesterday, but the second i held up the camera she jumped up and stood on the couch with her "cheese" face. the picture of her laying down was a reenactment after i asked her to lay back down and read again.

This is not intended to be an insult, because I know you think her 'cheese' face is unflattering, but I think Maddie looks a lot like your mom in that last picture :)
I'm glad to hear that someone else's kid does the "cheese" face. James has such a cute natural smile, but has to "cheese it up" every time I take a looks painful! Hopefully they'll both grow out of this stage!
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