Sunday, February 8, 2009

just one more day...

tomorrow is the big day! assuming baby cooperates we are going to find out if madelyn is getting a brother or a sister. i am leaving town tomorrow afternoon for kansas right after the appointment so we are squeezing it in because i didn't want to have to wait another whole week. before i head out, here are a few madelyn updates from the past few days:

on saturday morning, madelyn got up nice and early - around 6:30 (the earliest she had gotten up all week). she opened the door to our room, came in, saw that we were both still 'sleeping', and she left closing the door behind her. even though she was considerate enough to close the door for us, i had to get up (actually, i think matt ended up getting up with her) because it just didn't feel right to have her up and about while we were both still in bed.

i was calling "matt" yesterday because he was downstairs and we were trying to leave for some errands. madelyn started to yell "matt" too. it cracked me up because she knew that i was yelling at daddy downstairs and i try to always call him "dad" or "daddy" when she is around. here is a reenactment:

madelyn has been repeating a lot of complete phrases lately. i don't always write them down (and can't remember them because of baby brain) so this list is hardly complete, but here are a few:

- how are you doing?

- see you later.

- what are you doing?

- there you go / there it is.

she has been saying "please" really loudly for the past two or three weeks and i have been trying to get her to say it a little quieter. when i ask her to say it nicely, she says "nicely". it makes me laugh because not only does she say "nicely", but she says it nicely.

i have mentioned that madelyn likes to get the swiffer out and 'clean' the floor for me. today she was singing a cleaning song. i tried to get her to do it again and i think that you can get the sense of how she cleans.

madelyn has become very particular about the difference between dogs/puppies and cats/kittens. i will ask her if the picture in her book is a "dog" and she will correct me to say that it is a "puppy" - the same thing with cats and kittens. in other dog related notes, madelyn said "bye, girls" as she waved good-bye to go to the dogs before heading back upstairs. this was the first time she referred to them as a pair. normally they each get their own "bye" with their names.

and here is my sad recreation of the video i thought that i got from the other day. this isn't near as good (or cute) it was the last time, but it will have to do.

one new word that it kind of impressive is "octopus". she thinks a minute before starting it and then says every syllable very deliberately. then there are some words that just sound too grown-up like "okay" and "drink". i think that it is because she says them so clearly without any baby sounds to them.

i will try to post about the ultrasound tomorrow night, but chances are that i won't get to post anything until tuesday because of my flight. until then... love.


Grandma Z. said...

These videos are all too cute! I love the little skirt. Can't wait to hear your good news!

Becky said...

Good luck tomorrow!

I stay in bed 30 minutes or so every morning while the boys are up, unattended. I think I probably started doing it when Reece was about 18 months. I had my door open and he was playing just outside the room so I could hear him if there was a problem. Now the boys get up and watch a show for 20-30 minutes and have a snack. I love the extra snooze time. So ... don't feel guilty about it if you can start squeezing in some extra zzz's, as long as you know Maddie is safe. And especially after baby 2 comes along :)