the weather has just been too nice to be indoors this week! so i skipped my class at the ymca yesterday and took the boys to the zoo for a leisurely day (we don't have to be home until 4pm to get madelyn off the bus). we have graduated from a stroller to just a backpack (mainly for carrying lunch) and it is wonderful! well, the four water bottles are fairly heavy but i find the trip to be much less stressful when i am not always trying to maneuver a stroller around.
i was surprised how empty the parking lot was when we got there - given the gorgeous day, but it was nice to have less people at the attractions. we got there in time to watch them feed the penguins which we haven't really gotten to see before. first she fed them one on one larger fish and then threw handfuls of smaller fish/shrimp into the water. she threw the handfuls on the far right and then the far left so that the penguins had to race and swim the length of the exhibit. it was pretty neat to see them so active and playful (jumping, diving, etc.)
the phones play lemur sounds when you push the buttons, but the boys talk back to them. they have whole conversations. |
the highlight right now are the pair of baby snow leopards. they were off exhibit on our last visit so the boys were excited to see them again. the angle and glare wasn't working out well for me, but one of them seemed to really be watching mason for a while.
the pair of them are very playful. |
the kids ask to have their picture on this lion and they insist on doing so one at a time.
manning roaring at the lion. |
manning looks pretty grown up in this picture to me. |
another picture of mason's haircut. |
we found a butterfly bench that we had not noticed before. |
a rare mommy picture |
and no line at the otter slide meant the boys got to come down lots of times! not only that, but the otters were swimming around the slide almost the whole time.
manning always says he wants to slide but then chickens out when he gets up there. i came down with him (screaming) once but then gave up.
apple break. |
then he saw the boys go down on their bellies and it changed everything. |
he is in love! |
this is our last year of leisurely trips to the zoo with all three boys! i enjoy the long walk outside and they haven't gotten bored with our little zoo. i figure we only have a few more years where a zoo pass will be necessary. that did make me a little sad. enjoying every minute! love.
1 comment:
That otter slide is the coolest! You refer to this as 'your little zoo' but it seems pretty big and with well done exhibits to me. Mason is looking so mature these days - and I don't mean because of the haircut. I thought it before the haircut. Like his face is slimming out, losing the 'baby' - everyone is growing up so quickly!!!!
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