Monday, September 1, 2014

back to school shopping date

the big boys start preschool tomorrow so i thought we would take advantage of the labor day sales and get them both some new shoes. i was going to take the out separately for some one-on-one time but they asked to go together. i wasn't going to argue because it would save a lot of time and gas to go together. and it was still super special because they could both hold my hand.

i think the highlight for them was getting pretzels at the mall. i even sprung for two cheese dips and a lemonade.

we went to 3 stores and the mall before going home with four pairs of shoes, several pairs of shorts, two browns t-shirts and, their favorite items, a pair of hoodies in different colors.
i loved my special time with these two very excited boys! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

The pretzel would have been my favorite part, too :) does Mason ever ask for orange things? Or does everyone just know that's Maddux's option? Ps.... Impressive you were shopping Memorial Day sales in September ;)