Friday, September 5, 2014

boy day

the boys have been awesome running errands with me this week and i keep promising to stop at the park but we just haven't had enough time before we needed to get home to meet madelyn's bus. so today, i set in my mind as "boy day." i had finished all of my to-dos for the week and could focus on them today. it was going to be near 90 (very hot for here and one of the few days all year that have gotten this warm) so we started at the park as soon as madelyn was on the bus.

this particular park has two playgrounds that are far enough apart that we drove between them today to save time! we started at the "small playground" because maddux always begs to stop on our way home from the larger one and we never have enough time. and mason conquered the monkey bars today! this movie is actually the first time he made it across on his own too. we had tried to capture it three times without luck. he is quite pleased with himself in his bashful way at the end of the movie. i think he is a little surprised that he actually made it.

as we were leaving the "small playground" and getting in the car to head up the hill to the larger playground, manning stepped off the grass and tripped into the parking lot. i saw him fall and he and i both gave quick attention to his knees and hands. it wasn't until hours later (after coming home for lunch and making trips to the library and post office) that i noticed a mark near his eyebrow that i thought was some dried on grape jelly from lunch. nope, he had a good sized mark on his forehead hiding under his hair!  here his is showing the (and saying) "owie"

for our next adventure on this hot day was running through the sprinklers while we waited for the bus to arrive. (manning was busying himself with the water table in the driveway, although he took a few passes through the sprinkler too.)

i think maddux did really punch mason in the face with a sponge 'water balloon' in the last picture. they were both laughing hysterically so it must not have hurt and was part of whatever game they were playing with each other. it was funny to listen to the wishful comments of everyone running or riding bikes on the trail. they all wanted a pass through the sprinkler! one group of students on bikes had someone comment, "they don't know how lucky they are!"

even with the sprinkler, it was still pretty hot so we took a break from the sun with a cold treat. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow- that is hot! Your grass is so green and looks far more inviting to run around on. According to the kids, ours is itchy

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the 3 of them with their cool treat! I am always surprised with how big Manning has grown. Hope his owie is better - did he put his cool treat on it? :) Nana