Friday, September 26, 2014


i had a business meeting today and the boys were playing quietly in their room. as i got off the phone, maddux came in with a big grin to have me come and see their room. which made me just slightly nervous... i immediately saw that they had cleaned their room and made their beds. and then i saw manning...

the boys had made their own sort of bunkbed! and were very proud of themselves. mason wanted to know if they could keep it like this "forever." i told him that manning might fall while sleeping and mason told me that he couldn't because they had put "stuff" under it to keep it up. they had thought of everything.

bunk beds are in the works for their room, but i guess they got tired of waiting. love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

First, it is amazing that they keep their room clean and do that on their own. Secondly, how creative of them and they even thought how to keep Manning from falling!, they are to cute!