Monday, April 20, 2015

super monday

while waiting for my strong-willed boy to decide to join us outside of the van, i noticed that the big boys were both wearing batman shirts (while they patiently waited on the bench outside the school for manning to join us). so went to take a picture of the cuties. and then he got out of the van. by falling on his face. in front of another mom. sigh. he was fine. just a few scrapes on his nose. the only time this has ever happened and it happened at the preschool where he is almost always crying. sigh.

manning and i found this turtle next to our driveway on the way to pick up the boys. it was gone when we got home again.
the boys and i spent an hour and a half getting the van's window checked-out. it seems to be off its track (which the repair guy said he had never seen before - that always makes you feel good). they did have a great waiting area for the kids, not that i wasn't prepared with all sort of new workbooks, stickers and crayons. and, my last resort, an ipad.

turns out that the entire window needs to be replaced and they have to order it. so we will be back again for a long wait next week. at least the boys were extremely well behaved and it was actually a little relaxing to just sit and read while they played.

all in a day's work. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

The face that Maddux is so much more compliant now has got to give you hope about Manning. I know it gives me hope (about my strong willed ones). Car maintenance and repairs Are the worst.