Thursday, January 7, 2016


manning decided that today's weather called for shorts and short sleeves. it didn't really, but this kid knows what he wants and don't seem to feel the cold.
i decided that i needed a flash and he was over taking pictures.

it did end up being a little warm and we spent some time playing outside. it was so warm that manning thought there should be some strawberries. i told him that he could eat every strawberry he found. he was disappointed. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

ha- poor buddy with no strawberries. Tis the season down here - and i'm sure up there - they are everywhere and very cheap :) Love spring berry season!

Witenkling Mommy said...

That is too funny... about the strawberries. I feel like young kids have a different temperature gauge than adults. They are rarely cold.