Friday, January 29, 2016

star student

mason is the "star student" this week. saturday we selected all of the pictures he needed prints of for the week's activities and picked them up on the way home from church. he spent sunday afternoon working on this "about me" poster. he did a pretty great job on his own.

monday he showed this poster and four other pictures. tuesday he got to bring a toy (his captain rex from star wars). wednesday he brought his favorite book (a new hope - also star wars). thursday he got to be teacher and lead his class in a song. and friday he had a letter mailed to his teacher read to him. matt wrote madelyn's and i got to write mason's. when i asked him if it was embarrassing to have the letter read out loud he said that only the part about daddy and i playing rock, paper, scissors was embarrassing. here is my letter:


Surprise! Daddy and I had to do rock, paper, scissors to decide who got to write you a letter – and I won! I get to have the privilege to let you know just how special you are to us.

You are our peacemaker. Our family would not be the same without your calm in the chaos (well, sometimes you are the chaos). You have a natural ability to know what is important and worth fighting for and what things can be compromised to bring joy to others.

One of my most favorite things about you is that you always put others first. You see the needs of others and if someone asks for something you have - you share it easily.

And if you are given something, you show your gratitude sincerely. Christmas was so special this year because of the pure gratitude in your hugs and thank yous.

Seeing you as a kindergartener has been so rewarding! We love seeing your passion for learning, your patience when reading and the pride you show when you succeed. It has also been fun to watch you try new activities now that you are, finally, old enough! The way you love playing chess and smile the whole time you are on the basketball court makes my heart smile.

The highlight of my day is putting you on the bus in the morning. Not because you are leaving, but because of the way you sign me “I love you” until I can't see you any more. It makes me feel so special.

But most importantly, I love how much you love Jesus. It shows in everything you say and do.

We all love you so much and are so very proud of you, Mason!


update: when i went to his parent/teacher conference, his teacher said that the letter made her cry and that is just the same boy they see in class.

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