Friday, May 6, 2016

girls on the run practice 5k

the two girls on the run clubs in the school district arranged to have a practice 5k with all of their girls, with bibs and everything. as we were headed over (a complex process with getting everyone from school and over there in time), it occurred to me that the school hosting the practice is right across the street from maddux' best buddy so we invited his family over to play if they were around.

in order to get to the school where the practice race was on time, i had to pick mason up early from school. as a special surprise, we were able to catch some of his "spring sing" where they were performing for their second grade reading buddies. the "spring sing" for parents had been cancelled so this was a super special treat!

the boys were trilled to play on a never seen before playground and to learn that maddux' friend was coming over too. it was a gorgeous afternoon too.

madelyn was surprisingly excited for the race; especially after her poor showing at the viking victory run. she has enjoyed girls on the run so much. they gave the girls bibs where they could stick a sticker for each lap they completed - 18 total for their 5k. i was surprised to learn that they were just running laps around the playground so that i could watch her the whole time while the boys played.

shockingly, she ran the entire time! with a smile!
running with one of her coaches
for her last lap, her coach told her that she could invite her brothers to run with her - and they did! she held manning's hand the whole time too.

look at her smile crossing the finish line on her last lap (and the flood of little boys crossing behind her).

madelyn's team and coaches

i can't wait to see how she does for the real 5k in a few weeks! love.

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