as with every trip i take, she changed so
much while i was gone! she waves 'hi' and brings her hands together when someone claps. she has also figured out the "daddy" sign. i am not sure that she knows what it means, but she will do it when we do it so that's something. right? she has become a regular chatter-box! she babbles pretty much all day from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep. at least while we are at home. when we ran errands today she didn't say very much. i think that there is just so much to take in that she forgets everything else.

here is a video of us playing peek-a-boo around her cup after lunch yesterday. she is just so giggly. she is also starting to laugh when tickled. her neck, right armpit, and feet are her ticklish spots.
the picture at the top is one matt took of her climbing under the coffee table when i was gone. and this picture is one he caught of her 'carrying' her toys while she is crawling.

tomorrow her uncle brad, aunt abby, and cousin annabell are coming to visit for the week. we are really excited to see them! i will do my best to keep you up on all the action! love.
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