Monday, February 4, 2008

out and about

today was a pretty busy day. i worked in the morning and then we met matt for lunch at the friday's at miller park so that brad and abby could see the stadium. then we went to the milwaukee public museum to see the "body worlds" exhibit which was incredible! i highly recommend you see it if you ever get the chance. after that it was sushi and frozen custard for dessert. everyone is upstairs enjoying their sugar high and full bellies while i am sitting here in the basement blogging. i just got back from volleyball so my sugar high is gone now. but enough about us.

maddie taught annabell how to untie her shoes this morning while we were getting them ready to go. they are becoming quick friends and teaching each other all sorts of new tricks.

then maddie was being chatty in the car on the way to the museum. her favorite word is by far "da-da" or "da-di". she did sneak in a "ma-ma" or "mom" today and a "bay-bi" yesterday (she said that while looking at her cousin annabell - brad was actually the one to point out that she said it so it isn't just me).

the girls were so funny at the sushi restaurant talking to each other while eating their dinners (veggies, not sushi). once they were finished eating we put their highchairs facing each other so that they could 'talk'. one of the ladies at another table was commenting on how cute they were talking to each other.

i think that both girls are exhausted from their day of fun! they both had really great days and i was really impressed about how well they did at the museum. i didn't realize that it was a silent and whisper type of exhibit - oops. the girls really did great and both fell asleep while being strolled around. the rest of the museum is very child friendly and we even got to go through an impressive butterfly garden. maddie didn't know quite what to make of all these bugs flying around. (there aren't a lot of bugs in wisconsin - one of my favorite things about living here!)

can't wait to see what adventures will come tomorrow! love.

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