Sunday, February 17, 2008

post #100

i can't believe that i have already posted 100 times and maddie isn't even 8 months yet! i think that i have enjoyed writing as much as you all have told me that you like reading it (okay, so i probably like writing more than you like reading). it really is nice to be able to look back and see when she hit each milestone of her young life. the question is - will i reach #200 before she turns one?

today there was some serious ice here so we stayed around the house. madelyn did her best to help with chores too. here she is helping me with my work and then helping dad with the laundry.

i thought that "dog" was going to be her next word, but it was "no". i only tell her "no" when she gets into the fireplace logs and when she tries to get into all the cords under my desk (the allure of the power switch light is too much for her) so i was sort of surprised that "no" is what her fourth word would be. there are lots of other words that she hears more often, but this is the one with impact. (for review madelyn can say "da-da"/"da-di", "ma-ma", "hi", and now "no").

we bought her a few more books on saturday. she loves dogs and babies in her books. whenever she sees one she gets excited and starts 'talking' to them and patting the page. its so cute how much she enjoys being read too. and i enjoy her excitement about what each page is going to bring.

one last story from the weekend. we babysat two little boys on saturday night (3 years and 11 months). madelyn loves playing with other kids and especially their toys. she liked playing 'chase' with dylan (11 months). she would start laughing and crawl away but would then stop and turn around to make sure that he was 'chasing' her before taking off crawling again. as you can imagine, their 'chasing' didn't last very long before one or both of them would get distracted by something else. but it was still really cute and they did it more than once. madelyn was in rare form and didn't go to bed until 9:40pm! she was so hyper! i was afraid that she was going to wake up the boys who were already sleeping with her squeals of delight.


Becky said...

Let's see --- 4 more months until she turns one with an average of 30 days per month = 120 days ... my vote is YES! You will reach 200 posts before then --- these next few months are going to be filled with milestones and memories to blog about :) I'll put $1 on it if anyone else wants to wager ...

mom2mason&ellery said...

I agree with Becky on hitting the mark, we do enjoy keeping up.