Tuesday, February 19, 2008

mouth talk

today's post is about madelyn's mouth - what it does and what goes in it lately. as you may have guessed everything goes in her mouth! today she even started biting her own arm at breakfast. i didn't realize that she was actually biting herself until i noticed the red teeth marks later in the day. i thought she was just 'mouthing' or sucking on her wrist because it had a little porridge. (i checked - this is perfectly normal in a teething baby.) she is just trying to get some relief for the pain of her molars coming in.

one of the other ways she has been finding relief is by grinding her teeth. it gives me the heebie-jeebies! but i try not to react too much. this is her teeth grinding face pictured here. at least she doesn't do it in her sleep. apparently that is when it becomes worrisome otherwise it is normal.

today i added kelp powder to her morning porridge and she ate the whole thing right up. i didn't try any myself, but maybe later in the week i will give it a try. i also made her a new finger food for her afternoon snack - mozzarella cheese. in addition to the cheese she had mango and cantaloupe pieces. she really loves feeding herself. she gets so excited and seems to enjoy the 'experience' more. and all the finger foods make her want to hold the spoon more without my help. i don't mind the extra time or the mess, but the really runny purees don't always make it to her mouth.

the next new food will be kiwi. (did you know that you can freeze kiwi, cantaloupe and other vitamin c fruits submerged in orange juice? the juice keeps the fruit from loosing its vitamin c. crazy, right? supposedly the texture is a little mushier when you defrost it but it keeps in the freezer for 10 months. more than you ever wanted to know - sorry - i was excited.)

the closing maddie story - she thinks "eskimo kisses" are funny. if you say "eskimo kisses" and rub noses with her she will hold still and giggle. so sweet. love.

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