maddie also cried when she pulled both stools down on top of her at the same time. i told her that she was so strong to be able to pull both stools down at the same time and she went with it. she even smiled and laughed with me. since she never let go of either stool i went to get my camera for a picture and that's when she started crying again. i am not just a mean mom who takes pictures of her daughter crying.
here is some video of the girls enjoying each other. (just for the record, maddie is not trying to choke annabell homer simpson style.)
annabell has been enjoying maddie's lion walking toy too. both girls enjoy pushing his nose to make it light up and play a song. maddie uses her mouth (like she is giving him a kiss on the nose) and annabell swings her arms at it. the picture is annabell after brad set her to sit on it. mainly the girls enjoy sitting next to it as you will see in the next video.
both of the girls have a little bit of congestion so it will be interesting to see how the rest of the week goes. we are supposed to get 10 - 20 inches of snow in the next 12-24 hours so there is talk of brad and abby going sledding tomorrow at one of the local hills. we will probably just take the girls out in our front yard on one of the sleds for some photos instead of sending them down the hill.
i just spent two hours preparing hard boiled eggs (just the yolks for maddie) and asparagus (our next new food) and am totally pooped from my long day. until tomorrow. love.
Oh my gosh! I want a same-age play buddy for Lorelai! They look like they are having so much fun together :)
They really do look like they are having a blast together! It's going to be a sad day when cousin Annabell goes home.
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