i am getting tired of winter. really tired. so this afternoon maddie wore a summer dress. we need to work on 'pretending' right? dresses, however, are the worst type of clothing for crawlers. to keep maddie movin' i tucked her dress into the front of her bloomers.
tomorrow we are definitely getting out of this house. maddie and i both need some fresh air (okay, so more than likely we will not really get any
fresh air, but we can get some different air). now i just have to figure out where we are going... i am going to try and go somewhere besides the mall.

for her afternoon snack i decided to just give her the bowl to hold and eat her fruit and cheese right out of it. she did a lot better than i thought that she would. as you can see she was able to hold the bowl and take the fruit out.
she has rediscovered her tongue this week, but has moved beyond blowing razz sounds. now she licks her bottom lip, sticks it in and out kind of like a lizard but not as quickly (if that makes any sense). my camera battery died so i couldn't get a video today so hopefully she will still be amused by her tongue tomorrow and i can try to show you what i mean. it makes it more difficult to feed her at

meals because after the first few bites she just wants to stick her tongue out all the way and that makes getting the spoon in a lot more challenging.
our new food was not kiwi (i actually forgot while preparing her lunch quickly between meetings), but tahini. for those of you not in the know, tahini it is a nut butter made from sesame seeds. i must say that it is not something that i would ever enjoy eating (to put it nicely). madelyn ate it with her yogurt with only one face with the first bite.
her balance improves more and more each day. and she is starting to realize it. she has figured out that if she lets go she won't fall any more, but that she can sit herself down at her own control.