Tuesday, June 30, 2009
to sleep or not to sleep...
thankfully, last night was totally different! i had remembered to get him to cluster feed from 6-10pm. i put him down at 10 (and got myself to bed by 10:30) and he slept until 1:30am. i got him back down at 2:00am and then madelyn woke up at 2:30am. no reason, just ready to be awake. once she was back down there was sleeping until mason woke up at 5am. madelyn followed at 5:45am.
the 5am wake up call/cry reminded me of how it was with madelyn. i had forgotten how early my days would start. it was actually kind of nice to have both kids up and happy this morning. mason was laying awake in his crib looking around and madelyn was climbing up on the side to tell him, "good morning, mason!" love.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
compare and contrast
the inner circle

Saturday, June 27, 2009
and we're home again!

madelyn is still super excited to be a big sister. she was really excited to bring mason home in the car with her. she couldn't wait for him to use his swing and other toys at home. she also requested for him to come in the pool with her.
we all went for a walk around the block tonight after dinner because i really needed to get outside for a little while. madelyn suggested that mason ride in the stroller while she rode her bike. we were pretty impressed by this offer considering that when we have talked to her about sharing the stroller(s) in the past she declared that they were "mine" and not for "brother" to use. at the very end of our walk though (we were feet from our property line) she jumped off her bike and wanted her stroller back - we almost made it.
i think that we are all excited to be sleeping in our own beds tonight. mason napped in his crib for a few hours today so i think that he will do fine tonight.
other random notes from madelyn and mason's lives:
- mason has a dimple in his left cheek.
- madelyn uses this phrase, "hey, look at this guy". it has multiple uses - strangers, objects, mason, etc. it always makes me laugh.
- she also says, "look at me!" when she is showing off.
- madelyn tells us that mason is crying or talking or watching us.
- mason and matt were both born on the 26th of the month - different months, but the same date.
- mason loves to hold his head up and look around. when you try and burp him he keeps his head up the whole time instead of resting it on your shoulder.
- mason was 8lbs. 5oz. when released from the hospital
- mason sneezes a lot!
tomorrow we will have our first big trip out as a family - to church and then to the grocery store. love.
Friday, June 26, 2009
when madelyn met mason

in the video she loses interest in mason in favor of my breakfast - specifically my grapes, but for most of the morning she has just been interested in hugging, holding, and touching mason.

other comments on mason:
- his cry is a lot louder than madelyn's was at birth.
- he has a pretty solid head of hair and it seems pretty similar to how madelyn's was when she was born; maybe slightly more blond than hers was though.
thank you to everyone for all the well wishes! love.
delivery pictures

seeing mommy after getting cleaned up a little and checked out. i thought that he looked a lot like madelyn when i first saw him, but now i am not as sure. i think he looks like matt... love.
welcoming mason lynn

we could not have planned his delivery better. i went in for my appointment at 3:40pm yesterday afternoon and my blood pressure was on the high side - 130/80 (not really high, but pretty high for me). my doctor couldn't even reach my cervix during the office visit, but the blood pressure was enough for her to want me to go to the hospital. there was no rush so matt and madelyn went to swimming lesson at 5:30 while i went home to clean up a little and get a few things together.
by 7:00pm madelyn was with our neighbors for the night and matt and i were in our room at the hospital. amazingly, as they got me hooked up to the monitor i started to have very regular contractions on my own (i had contractions at 7 minutes apart all day on wednesday, but not really any on thursday until getting to the hospital). then my doctor came in to check me - still 2cm - and broke my water at 8:15pm. by 10:45 the contractions were too close together for me and i started to get lightheaded and nauseous so it was time for the epidural. i got a little rest then (and so did matt). we started pushing at 11:45pm and had to stop for a little bit so that my doctor could get there from a c-section. and mason was born at 12:27am!
i guess he came out face up and eyes open (he has been amazingly alert)! i can't believe how much faster things went this time and they never even had to put me on pitosin (sp?). i also can't believe how night and day different i feel now compared to madelyn's delivery. i am barely sore at all and it looks like we might be released tomorrow.
matt is going to bring madelyn over this morning and i can't wait for her to meet her little brother! love.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
and finally we had cake...

Monday, June 22, 2009
madelyn's 2

unfortunately, she didn't get a decent nap again. she has just been falling asleep in the car early in the day and then can't go down for her actual nap. hopefully we will have better luck tomorrow because she really does need her nap.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
happy daddy's day

i had tried to get a picture of madelyn with daddy before and after church but madelyn would have none of it. this was the best picture with attitude i was able to get and couldn't resist sharing. she was lovely and chatty at church this morning though. she was telling everyone about her dress with flowers and a heart necklace of mine that she was wearing. it makes us so happy to see how excited she is to go to church every week.
madelyn didn't really take a nap yesterday and only napped for an hour today leaving us with a crabby girl at times. thankfully, she would get over these moods pretty quickly and had a major second wind this evening after dinner that was fun for all of us.
even though it was "daddy's day" (madelyn didn't really understand "father" so she would say "daddy's day"), madelyn got the biggest present. today we surprised her with a sandbox that papa and nana sent for her birthday. when i told her that there was a birthday present outside for her, she replied, "i am so excited!" and she was, too. madelyn asks to use the neighbor's sandbox at least once a week and she loves to use her shovels (even just to carry them around with her). i think that the sandbox will see a lot of play this summer. and to make it even better it fit perfectly under the stairs of the deck so that she is in the shade and it isn't in the way. matt and i couldn't believe how perfectly it fit! she was already asking to go back and play in it during dinner tonight. between the sandbox and the pool we won't need to leave the house this summer - although i plan to be out and about as much as possible while on leave. love.
Friday, June 19, 2009
38 / 39 weeks

the picture is a quick one before i headed off to my book club. i really need to try and get a nice picture at some point...
madelyn was playing with her doctor kit before nap time yesterday. after 'listening' to brother's heartbeat in my belly for a while she laid down and listened to her own belly. i tried to get her to recreate our conversation and that is why it is not as spontaneous in the video. maybe she doesn't get the whole baby in my belly thing after all. love.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
we're still waiting

matt set the pool up on sunday while madelyn was napping and she could hardly contain her excitement when she saw it in the front yard! she was looking out to see daddy working in the yard and then saw her surprise. she could hardly get into her "swimming suit" fast enough!

we only played in the pool before nap time because she was going to have her first swimming lesson later monday night. it isn't so much a 'lesson' as it is parents paying to play with their kids in a community pool with minimal instruction from a lifeguard. the good (or the bad) part is that it is every night so she can easily build on what they did the night before. i went with them last night and tried to take pictures, but there were just too many parents standing around. you can see her happy face as she is coming down this fun frog slide - if you look closely that is.
today was cooler and overcast. i thought for sure that her class would be cancelled, but to my surprise ours was one of the few pools not closed. so i dressed madelyn in her swimming suit and put a fleece over it so that she would be warm enough. matt said that it wasn't actually that bad although there were some concerning warm spots in the pool tonight...
madelyn has been in the most wonderful mood for the past week and she cracks me up daily; we just love her. here are some points that i thought i would share here:
- madelyn's birthday is june 22 or as she says "june snack it"
- matt's co-workers threw him a baby shower and he was going through the gifts this weekend to write the thank yous. madelyn came across a toy that she was interested in claiming. when we told her that it was brother's toy she explained that "brother sharing and it's maddie's turn".
- since matt was working on thank yous madelyn got her crayons and some paper to "draw a card for grandma and big pop for pool". i was impressed that she equated a thank you note with having received a gift.
- when we got to the pool on monday matt was already there (he had a late meeting that required us to bring him his swimming gear to change there) and madelyn ran up to him for a "big hug". while hugging him she said sadly "i missed you, daddy!" she said this several times while hugging and kissing him. i got to hear it for me after class was over since i didn't do the class with her. it is just so sweet and sincere when she says it.
- after madelyn woke me up this morning she asked me, "where'd friend go?" to which i said, "i don't know where is friend?" after thinking for a minute madelyn replied, "um... friend is still sleeping." and sure enough when i went to her room later friend was tucked neatly in the bed as if he was still sleeping. now, if only she would let me sleep in.
- i have taught madelyn how to get her own milk out of the refrigerator when she wants it and then put it back in when she is done.
- tonight she was doing somersaults and kept asking us "how do that?" with her hands and shoulders shrugged as a question. when we would ask her to show us how she would happily reply, "okay", and do it again - with the same question.
- madelyn was shy for the first time ever at music class this morning. we haven't been in few weeks while waiting for the new session to start so i think that might have been some of it. there were also lots of new kids and we were meeting at a new neighbor's house. she was just really clingy and quiet. that is until the end of class when she felt like chatting with miss sarah, the teacher. at last she was acting like matt and my child - not the social butterfly she seems to be the majority of the time.
- lately when she wants matt and i to come with her somewhere she pats her leg and says, "come," like she does when calling one of the dogs!
- she likes to say "oh my goodness!" when something exciting or surprising happens. i don't know if it is how she says it or that i realize how silly i must sound using this super clean expression all the time, but it always makes me smile.
as you can see there is never a dull moment with madelyn around. love.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
pbs at the zoo

Friday, June 12, 2009

madelyn got into some jewlery of mine this morning and wanted to wear several of them at once. i thought it was pretty funny that she was wearing all this bling with her little cotton sundress. as she was playing she kept asking to remove one at a time. she would play for a while and then decide that one had to go before she could go on about her day.
for some reason madelyn called me "ma-ma" today. she would say it as two words and with various european accents. i have no idea in the slightest where this came from. and she definitely knew that she was doing something a little silly which made her call me it all day.
madelyn came up for a snuggle and i said something like "hi there, baby". she pulled back and looked at me with her head tilted as she said with a question, "baby?" to which i replied, "oh sorry! big girl." to which she smiled and threw herself into giving me a big hug. she is really embracing the idea that a new baby is coming and that she is a big girl. i love it.
tonight we took her for a tour of the hospital because i wanted her to see the rooms before i was there in a hospital gown and tagged/tubed up. she just kept asking "where is brother?" and telling us that we were going to "get brother". i think that she was a little disappointed that we left without him. she was asking "where'd brother go?" she just can't wait for him to get here! i keep telling her that i can't wait either... love.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
where there's dirt, there's madelyn

i was impressed by how well she knew when to clap - often before i had started cheering. she even got that daddy was playing "first base".
madelyn ran up to matt after the game and said, "good job, daddy," while giving him a big hug and then a kiss. she must have heard the other 'fans' saying "good job" after the game and wanted to tell her daddy the same thing. in fact, she kept telling him "good job" quite happily all the way out.
after the game she was excited to try out the playground at the ball park. daddy was impressed by how strong her climbing has gotten. i mean madelyn was always a good climber, but now she actually thinks about which foot or hand to use. if she can't find a foothold with her right foot, she will put it back and try with her left foot. it makes me nervous when she is climbing up so high wearing flip-flops, but she never slips. she definitely uses her height to her advantage. love.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
37 weeks
i have two friends due 1 and 2 weeks after me and they are both mostly effaced and dilated 1cm or more. i have pretty much resigned myself to the likelihood that they will have babies before me. matt and i aren't holding our breath, but we are still hoping that he will come early so that he is here and settled before the grandparents come to visit.
i am just exhausted at this point. i have been going to bed before 9 every night - which is very early for me.
madelyn and i had a nice morning of shopping and a girls' lunch out since it might be a while before we can have a relaxing lunch together again. it was such a nice treat! love.
Monday, June 8, 2009
bugs and bug bites

(she is saying "cheese" in the picture from lunch today. i just thought that she looked pretty cute with her peanut butter on her nose.)
she has a new manner that she has mastered - saying "excuse me" after burping. of course she tells us that she burped first, but then she says excuse me.
i have discovered that madelyn likes disco. we got a veggietales sing the 70s cd from the library and madelyn started bopping along as soon as funkytown came on. not only that, but she asked to hear it again and again. i finally had to tell her that we should listen to the other songs on the cd to see if she liked them too.
that's all for now. love.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
just hangin' out

i think that the funniest part is watching her try to get in it by herself - she thinks its pretty funny too. the seat of it is a big air cushion and it makes it difficult to get up and in. not to mention that it spins in circles once she picks her feet off the ground.
i am sure that we will get lots of enjoyment out of this for a long time to come. love.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
"does this work?"
the shoe fairy

shedd aquarium

it was a gorgeous day and we had a nice lunch outside before heading in to the aquarium. madelyn loved driving through downtown - she keep pointing out every bicycle she saw. she was also really excited about all the seagulls hanging around begging for scraps while we were eating our lunch.
i had started talking with madelyn about our trip to the aquarium on thursday and we went through her curious george book about a trip to the aquarium to talk about the animals we would see there. she told me that she was most excited about the whales and octopus. the one octopus was 'sleeping' while we were there and she wasn't all that interested in the beluga whales (until we saw their show) after seeing them once, but we saw lots of other animals that were amazing and new to even daddy and me.
she really liked this tank of jellyfish on our way down to the "wild reef" exhibit - i have to say that i was pretty impressed with it myself. the shedd has three different levels so i would ride in the elevator with the stroller while matt and madelyn took the more scenic stair path down each level. madelyn really likes the sharks when we go to the zoo (she runs back and forth with them telling everyone near her that they are "sharks") so i thought that she would be impressed with the sharks at the shedd. not so much. i was impressed with how large they were and how fast they were swimming in their tank, but madelyn would barely even look at them. i guess it was mainly because of her fascination with the sting ray tank.
i wish that i could have gotten a picture of her face and reaction when matt walked out onto the glass floor over the tank. madelyn was holding his hand and when she got to the edge of the carpeting she slammed on the breaks and almost sat back trying to keep daddy from leading her right into the water. it took some convincing to get her to try stepping on it. i had her feel that it was glass/plastic and okay to walk on. the picture isn't great, but you can get a sense for what the setup was like. once she saw that it was safe she kept touching the floor and stomping her feet trying to test it out. i don't even know how much she looked at the sting rays in the tank.
madelyn hugged and 'kissed' any of the model animals she could get close enough to hug and kiss. here she is with a sea turtle and penguins.

here is a shot of madelyn watching the beluga whales. she also really liked a room where you could hear noises made by a beluga whale. i had to ask her to stop with the high pitched one because it was very loud and the room was not very large.