we haven't had any more snow, but it has been really cold. when we went out for some errands and the home depot kids' workshop (a calendar) on saturday morning it was -4 with a -23 wind chill. it took a while to get everyone bundled up and into the car (movements take a lot more effort when you are wearing so many layers and gloves). madelyn looked so cute in her first ever scarf, but she was not interested in posing for a picture. in fact, she screamed every time i got the camera out. i was able to sneak this picture in the car because the interstate sound drowned out the sound of the camera turning on.
running errands was a little challenging because its like a race from the time you open the car doors until you have the kids safely inside your destination. with the extreme cold breathing can hurt and poor little mason had a hard time when the wind would blow in his face. i try to hide his face against me with a blanket on his back and neck but he would just pull away and turn his face to the wind. madelyn used to do the same thing when i would try to protect her. mason handles wind and cold much better than madelyn did though.
we have just been hanging out at home as much as possible. we had a quiet (and perfect) new year's eve at home. i had gone to the grocery store with the kids in the morning while matt was at work and bought some nice steaks from the butcher counter for our dinner. it was a splurge, but we were celebrating, right? then we put the kids to bed early, watched a movie (four christmases),
and went to bed at 9:30. it was lovely! its a good thing that we went to bed early because neither one of the kids slept very well (it must have been the full, blue, moon).

mason is starting to sit up really well too and spends about half his time that way. today he has even started to catch himself when he tips side to side. he still just falls when he goes backwards though. he is enjoying sitting up and playing with his toys. madelyn is enjoying that mason can sort of 'play' with her too. but she does get a little upset at him for putting everything in his mouth.
i was able to get a little video of his back scooting today. i think he was just high-tailing it away from madelyn's oral examination...
i am torn about the crawling. i really want him to achieve that milestone, but selfishly it would be easier for me to work if he waits longer. i am hoping that he starts before my trip at the end of the month because i will be really, really bummed if he crawls for the first time when i am gone. we'll just have to wait and see. love.
That is COLD!!! No thank you. I'm having a hard time handling our consistently cold temps in the 50/60s this week. I leave my jacket on in the stores because its cold in there, too. That back scooting thing is about the funniest thing I think I've seen in a long time! How creative!!
Mason is too cute scooting! Just wait til he gets those powerful legs working while on his belly!
Yes, I agree with Grandma Z. Once he starts crawling he will be gone in a flash!! At least he is sitting up before his dad was able to do it. Your video was so funny. He really "goes to town" with that back scooting.
Nana G.
I can't even fathom temps like that. Love the scoot.
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