another recent interest that seems worthy of noting is madelyn's interest in veins. yes, veins. i forget how it got brought up but a few months ago we were talking about veins and i showed her how she can see them in her wrists. now she will even complement us on our veins or ask if we have veins. it is a weird point of interest but still cute.
today i was showing madelyn the cracks in her thumb from her sucking it all the time. we talked about how sucking her thumb is hurting it and if she stopped it would get better. i think that it might actually make a difference. although she did say that she is just going to suck the other thumb now. and now she says that she has a "crack thumb". she means "cracked thumb", but the mistake is probably a more accurate description of her relationship with her thumb...
now that matt and i can switch off on bed times with the kids, i get to pray with madelyn. she always says what she is thankful for and what she wants God to help her with the next day as part of our prayer routine. mostly she is thankful for our family and friend and asks God to help her not to be scared, but last night she asked God to help her "not to pee in my car seat". amen! love.
Love the picture of madelyn baking. She has such a great imagination. I'm sure she will be very creative and artistic!
You've scarred the child by not letting her watch that VeggieTales after the pee incident... see I should have reported you. :) That thumb story is pretty funny.. crack thumb- ha!!
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