Sunday, January 10, 2010


sunday morning matt helped madelyn and i make our first ever snowman! madelyn has been waiting patiently since christmas for there to be a deep enough snow for making a snowman. why has she been so anxious? because she gave me a snowman kit for christmas and couldn't wait to use it.

the snow was really powdery (not ideal for snowman making at all) but i sprayed a water bottle while matt and madelyn tried to get it to pack. we stopped with only two levels because my face was freezing and it wasn't working out so well. it was just enough for madelyn to use all the snowman kit pieces and she was fully satisfied.

when we went inside i checked the temperature and it was only 5 degrees out. it was really windy so i am guessing that it felt a lot colder than that. it wasn't the perfect weather, or snow, but i think that madelyn thought that it was the perfect snowman.

mason slept this one out. it was way too cold for him to be outside for too long so we did it during his morning nap. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

That snowman rocks! Tell Madelyn she did a superb job making her first ever snowman! 5 degrees! yikes!

Grandma Z. said...

That might be child abuse. I mean for Matt. Look how cold he is! Can't wait to make my snowman, but I hope it's a little warmer!!