madelyn was super excited about seeing ariel, but it wasn't "ariel" in this production. i can't remember the official name but either "the little mermaid" or the "sea witch" was named something like "desdemona" (i am guessing that they were the literary names). all i know is that the names were difficult for me to understand and the kids around me seemed to be confused as well. but we all got over it and enjoyed the show.
they would get kid volunteers from the audience for each of the three acts. madelyn really, really wanted to volunteer but didn't quite get how it worked. she kept trying to the attention of the girl on the other side of the theater instead of the one who was right next to us. and then she would just try to go up on stage any way. maybe she will have the hang of it when we try another show sometime. she was really sad when it was over and didn't want to leave the theater.
and here are just some more catch up notes:
- madelyn is becoming quite the fashionista. she is most particular about shoes and hair, but is pretty opinionated about what she wears overall.
- mason's 'spots' cleared up after two days with the steroid cream - like night and day difference! we are now just to an eczema lotion and i can't believe how much better he is doing or that i waited so long to take care of this. the little bonus of going to the doctor is that we got to find out how heavy mason is getting. he was 21 pounds, 13 ounces! that is 2 pounds in less that a month. the nurse commented that he was going to be a football player one day at this rate. its funny because i have been thinking lately that he is feeling so much slimmer and lighter i was starting to worry that he wasn't getting enough milk. maybe i am just getting stronger with my p90x workouts... :)
- madelyn seems to have made "junior the asparagus" her imaginary friend. junior is from veggietales and it seems like he is who she imagines to be with her most often. she will tell me that junior is following her in the grocery store, riding on her lap in the car, and telling her something funny.
- one night when i came up from working out, two hours after putting the kids to bed, i found madelyn sitting on the toilet and an entire roll or toilet paper in pieces at her feet. i told her that was very bad and she started to tear up. since it was so late i helped her finish up and get strait to bed. in the morning she went in the bathroom and was upset to still find the mess. i told her that she would have to clean it all up since she had made it. it was cute because she got right to it and kept coming out to give me updates about how much was left for her to clean up - very happily too.
- yesterday both kids took a nap from 1:00 - 4:30pm! that was just worth noting. and it was on a day that i really, really needed them to so that i could prepare for a presentation next week.
- i must have been taking a little too long getting mason's lunch together because he grabbed the spoon out of the bowl and started feeding himself. i was pretty shocked.
probably won't be any posts this week as i am heading out until wednesday night for work and it will just be matt and the kids at home. love.
So glad you had a good time and Maddie enjoyed it. I can just see her trying to get chosen and then trying to go up on the stage herself. She gets so excited about everything.
ooh, Lorelai would love that. She is obsessed with Ariel. I can't believe Mason weighs 21 lbs! Took Kinley for her one year apt today and she still hasn't broken 20!
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