mason has consistently been sleeping through the night and napping 4-6 hours a day in two naps. (if you look closely at the picture of him, you can see his two little bottom teeth.) but the real surprise has been madelyn. she slept late on monday and then on tuesday night she went to her room to suck her thumb around 5pm and didn't come back out. i went in to check on her and she was asleep so i let her sleep until 6:30 when i woke her up for dinner. she didn't want to eat though; she just asked for a drink of water and to go back to bed. i think she was awake for 20 minutes before going down for the night a little before 7pm and didn't wake up until 7am. this is totally unheard of for her!
when i picked her up from school on wednesday and she was still in a deep sleep, her teacher asked if she might be going through a growth spurt. of course! that must be it. and she was super, super cranky when i woke her up to go home too. like screaming/crying in the parking lot, not wearing her coat (by choice), and not getting in the car kind of cranky. thankfully she got that out of her system by the evening and was pleasant when daddy ventured out with both kids by himself for the first time last night. i had a meeting at the church so he took the kids to do the grocery shopping before the snow fell today.
the picture of madelyn is from after school when she had finally gotten herself out of her post-nap funk. she is wearing the kid-sized moby wrap that we gave her for christmas. once i got friend all settled into it she asked to go to the park. i had to explain that it was a little too cold and snowy/icy for a walk to the park. she settled for just running around the house wearing him.
matt and i are hoping that this sleeping surge lasts until saturday. love.
I know what you mean about that 6th sense. This morning I had to get up to a real alarm while the rest of the hosue slept, to get to my 8am dentist appointment. And Tuesday, Lorelai slept until 8:45 - we were supposed to be to MOPS by 9:15.
Hmm. I'd say either sick or a growth spurt. does she ever complain about her legs hurting? Lorelai went down that road again the other day before she got sick (so not sure if it was growing or sick).
You can totally see Mason's two teeth! And he's looking even more little boy again (he grows/changes so quickly - I thought he was the growth spurt). I love Madelyn's purple shirt/dress. I tried to get a similar Carters one on clearance but they were all gone :(
I was looking for a post from Matt because I thought you were in Kansas, but I was happy to hear that you are able to get some rest. Mason is just getting so grownup looking and Maddie's moby wrap is too cute with bear in it. Maddie loves her happy face smile!!!
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