Saturday, May 15, 2010

Charlotte's Web

madelyn and i finished charlotte's web a few weeks ago and i told her that when we finished i would get her the movie (from netflix). often while reading the book she would ask me if a character would be in the movie or if something would happen in the movie.

the night we finished the book she started crying for the movie. it took a few days for it to arrive, but she was extremely excited when it finally got here and could barely make it to the opening credits. once it started playing all she wanted to know is when would he get the butter milk bath. when that didn't happen in the first five minutes she lost all interest in the movie. at least until daddy came home and then she excitedly told him what she was watching before continuing to ignore it.

oh well, at least she enjoyed the book.

in other movie news, her current favorite is "chicken little". we had picked up the golden book version from the library and then matt just happened to be loaned a copy of the movie from a co-worker (he didn't even know that he had the book). madelyn has watched it many, many times. it is pretty cute but they do karaoke to the spice girl song "if you want to be my lover" which i can't believe is in a children's film. thankfully, madelyn thinks that they are singing "if you want to be my mother". love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Oooh, I've been looking forward to reading that with Lorelai. Was Madelyn 'scared' at all by the whole pig to bacon thing? We started reading the first in the Little House series. Its going ok. I love her version of the song in Chicken Little! Ha!!! Its great when they censor it themselves.

Grandma Z. said...

Well you always said the book was better than the movie when you watched the movie after reading the book. I am sorry to hear that they would put Spice girls music in Chicken Little. It's cute how Madelyn heard something different than what they were singing. Cute story!

Anonymous said...

I love the buttermilk bath! One of my favorite memories about that book too! i will be sure to recreate my role as Charlotte in my fourth grade play where we played character from books trying to convince this little girl to ready. I gave quite the speech as Charlotte! And for some reason at 31 I still remember those four lines word for word!
