he is getting so steady. he was even able to stand up without holding on while madelyn was bouncing all over the place. and he got up there by climbing up by himself. he just climbed up on something for the first time yesterday. he hadn't even tried to climb on anything until yesterday and then he could just do it.
mason also took a step over the weekend. he usually drops and crawls even when he could probably just reach between objects but he forgot and took a step to get from the coffee table to me laying on the couch.

he has started carrying/dragging things around with him and this has led to a few little bloody injuries to his lips when he slips. nothing too dramatic (not at all like his sister would do). speaking of his mouth, it looks like mason is starting to have a gap between is upper front teeth. they are still crooked but the front two seem to be spreading apart. still a very cute smile.
mason loves to take things out and put them back. madelyn never really ever did that. today he was pulling all the shorts out of madelyn's drawer, opened another drawer and putting them all in there, and then he would close that one too. yesterday, he was putting all the socks i was pairing while folding laundry back into the basket. it became a fun game for both of us.
mason loves to take things out and put them back. madelyn never really ever did that. today he was pulling all the shorts out of madelyn's drawer, opened another drawer and putting them all in there, and then he would close that one too. yesterday, he was putting all the socks i was pairing while folding laundry back into the basket. it became a fun game for both of us.
here is some video of madelyn showing us how fun the pool can be. love.
Kinley likes to take things out of drawers, too. She also likes to put things, like clean laundry, away. Those 90 degree temps better go hide somewhere in two weeks. We want to escape temps like that!!
Lady looks great and so excited about the pool!!! Mason seemed more interested in being close to Lady than in the pool. Maddie was obviously enjoying the pool and being outside. Mason will be walking before you know it. He is developing by leaps and bounds!! They are both adorable!
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