madelyn could barely wait for breakfast to be over so that she could get dressed and go to get her red nail polish. i told her that if she could go a whole week without sucking her thumb (with the exception of when she was asleep and we couldn't catch her) then we would go out and get her what ever color she wanted for her finger nails and toe nails - she picked red. she said that her "nails are already pink".
so she had her shoes on and was ready to go before i could even change out of my pajamas. thankfully she gave me about five minutes to put on something presentable. we just went up to walgreens to make her selection. i tried to show her all the options available, but she was only interested in red. dark red.
i suggested getting one with some 'sparkles' to try and make it a little more youthful. we also got a nail pen to draw white flowers on her big toes and quick dry drops. (the drops because all i could see were red smudges on everything while we waited for the polish to dry.) madelyn carried everything to the register herself - she didn't want them to go into the basket. after telling the cashier all about painting her nails red, we went home to get started.
she did a really great job of holding still while i painted all her nails, but the drying was a little more trying. it has been a very long time since i have painted someone else's nails and madelyn's are very, very little in comparison to the brush. but i did a pretty good job if i do say so myself. here is a picture of her toes.

i didn't get a picture of her finger nails because they were still drying and she would squeeze her fingers together when i would ask to see them. i didn't want her to smudge. and i thought that i would get video of her excitement later, but she didn't want any part of talking for a video. she did call nana and grandma to tell them about her special red nails though. and she walked into church showing her nails to the greeter at the entry. she is very proud of her red nails.
she has already lost the polish off her pointer fingers and there have been many requests to 'fix' them. i think i will wait a few more days before touching all her finger nails up for her. we are so proud of her for choosing to stop sucking her thumb! love.
Love the nails! What a great motivator to curb the thumb sucking. Lorelai picked hers off pretty quickly, too, even though she was so happy to have it. I opted not to fix it, not wanting to start something...
Way to go Maddie!
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