last friday was warmer and sunny so we went to a park other than the neighborhood park before music class. we had fun and some other friends even came up to join us. before they got there i let madelyn do something that i never would have guessed i would do...
shortly after we got there, with the blanket spread out, mason settled with toys and books, and a bag with drinks and snacks; madelyn said that she had to go to the bathroom. there are no bathrooms near this park so i asked her if she could wait. she told me that she could but then can running back a few minutes later saying that she couldn't. so off we headed to the woods because there is no way i could have gotten everything loaded back into the car and get home before she would go in her pants.

it was pretty early in the morning, before 9am, so there wasn't anyone around. i left mason on the blanket - in plain sight - and helped madelyn poop in the woods. thankfully, i had wipes with me for quick clean-up before snacks and was able to clean her up. i did have to run back to the car for a bag to pick up the mess, just like i would with a dog, but i didn't have my normal supply - of course. so i used one of mason's diapers to take care of it.
madelyn thought that this was pretty great and when we were at the neighborhood park today she told me that she would just go "potty in the woods". i explained that, no, we would just go home.

mason just hung out on the blanket while i took care of madelyn. he doesn't really care for grass and pretty much stays where i put him. i did let him swing for a little while and go this picture that shows his newer bottom teeth. madelyn enjoyed taking a rest on the blanket using mason's hat for shading her eyes while we waited for our friends to join us.
i still can't believe that i let her poop in the woods. love.
You've had to poop in the woods before. It's just something that has to happen. HAHA These pictures are adorable. Love Mason's teeth and Maddie's outfit. Very cute and the weather looks great.
Ha! I don't think we've had to handle a poop in the woods yet, sounds like fun :) you're so good to scoop it up with a diaper. Maddie looks totally 80's :)
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