while we were waiting for the doctor to come in madelyn was checking out the exam table. she was looking at an on/off switch and asked me, "why does that say "no?" i told her that while those were the correct letters, the word said "on". but then i realized that she was trying to read even though we have not spent any time working on this other than reading anything and everything she asks. maybe i will start working with her... (without getting too crazy.)
the doctor did say that her vocabulary/pronunciation and counting were very impressive for her age. she did mix up pink/purple and brown/black; she knows them but sometimes she just uses the wrong name. now for her stats:
weight: 37 lbs. (90/91 percentile)
weight: 37 lbs. (90/91 percentile)
height: 41 inches (98/99 percentile)
bmi: 45 percentile
madelyn got two shots at the end of the appointment and cried for the first time ever where she kept crying as we left the office. and she complained about her legs hurting right in to the next day. she wouldn't even let us take the band aids off. the good news was that she didn't have any fever or tiredness like other times she has gotten shots and she doesn't get any more until she turns 5. love.
Your daughter in the 98-99th percentile for height, imagine that :) Lorelai often mistakes on for no. Yay for no more shots till 5!
Sounds like she's pretty much perfect!
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