Sunday, July 25, 2010

mommy's hair cut

i was going to wait until after the baby was born to cut my hair for locks of love, but i just couldn't stand it any longer! my hair came back in spiral curls after having mason and when i pull it back into a pony tail (the only practical way to wear long hair when it is hot and you have small children to bend over all the time) it gave me a wild lion's mane sort of look. and i just like shorter hair.

anyway, as you saw in the earlier posts my hair is about 12 inches shorter now for locks of love. madelyn really, really likes it and thanked God for "mommy's new haircut" during prayers last night. but then began to cry about where is her new haircut? matt and i think that we will let her choose to cut her hair when we take mason in for his first haircut in the next week or two. (i know that sound is both of her grandma's hearts breaking at the very thought.) we will see what happens... love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I wonder if LfL would want curly hair. Not that I have it to give, I've just always wondered that. It would take a long time to grow. Lorelai loves having her hair cut. She's had four. Right now we're letting it grow a bit.

Witenkling Mommy said...

BTW, I totally have the lion's mane look every day :) we 'lucky' curly-haired girls :)