Sunday, September 25, 2011

anytime, anywhere

just to show that he still does it.  i was getting caught up on the blog after all of our travels (if you couldn't tell) and when i came out to make dinner, here is what i found.  mason passed out on the floor under matt's legs.  and matt had no idea he was even asleep.  he just plays until he can't play any more and sleeps right there.  i love it.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Kinley fell asleep in the car yesterday (road trip weekend)... we woke her up after a bit, as it was past 6 and we didn't want bedtime resistance. She tried so hard to stay awake, but was unsuccessful until her goldfish hit her. I thought of Mason the whole time:)

Becky said...

That's so funny.