Saturday, September 10, 2011

next stop, orlando

a few hours later we were having dinner in orlando with chad and leslie.  we were so glad that they were able to meet up with us.  especially because chad had called matt about a week before to tell us that they were expecting their first child!  we are so happy for them but i think we might have told a few too many 'war stories' at dinner...

madelyn was really excited to see them and asked to sit next to "miss leslie" at dinner. the kids did fairly well, but mason was wandering around by the end of the meal.  it wasn't too surprising given that he had just spent a few hours strapped in the car.
madelyn and miss leslie
after dinner we headed over to rob and natalie's to see them and get to bed. i was so excited to see natalie and she had a surprise for us - they are expecting their second child!  matt and rob went out for some 'guy stuff' and natalie and i got to wrestle the kids to bed and talk.  they were so kind to give madelyn and mason their son peter's room for our visit.  peter is two and so adorable!  he handled giving up his room so well.  the bed was so big that madelyn and mason just shared (instead of mason using peter's toddler bed).
madelyn and mason enjoyed some quiet book time together before lights out
we were all pretty tired by the time we went to sleep.  but we needed our rest because tomorrow was going to be a big day... love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Love the group picture. The kids are just adorable!