Monday, November 14, 2011

being the youngest

while maddux was napping on his first birthday, i looked up pictures of madelyn and mason's first birthday. and it occurred to me that instead of letting maddux do things sooner, he does things much, much later.  where some people are over protective of their first and then loosen up, we encouraged madelyn to be independent and develop. it isn't that i am trying to keep him a baby or anything, it is more that i am so distracted by the other two.  i noticed this a little with mason but it was much more pronounced looking at the pictures of the other two at one.

maddux is still in the high chair, still in a stroller when we go places and sleeping in his sleep sack.  he walked as early as madelyn and we let him do what he wants to if he seems physically able but i think that we do hold back on his freedom a little.

i just thought that this was interesting. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Its just easier to have one of the three in a safe, contained place. Especially when the other two are actively bopping around.