Monday, November 21, 2011


i feel like it has been a while since i have done a post just about mason.  he is such a sweet little snuggler, but he can also be super silly trouble.

- mason doesn't always speak in complete sentences.  i understand him about 95% of the time without any trouble.  i only have to ask him to help me when i don't know what topic he is telling me about - like when he comes in from another room.

- mason loves school and gets so sad on days we take madelyn and he doesn't get to stay too

- he knows all of his colors (not confusing any like madelyn did with black and brown for a while)

- he often sings to himself.  i can almost always recognize the tune but can't usually make out the words.

- he knows a lot of his letters, but i haven't sat down with him to figure out how many (i really should do that though...)

- mason is very independent and rarely gets to an "i can't do it".  if he can't get it done he will calmly ask for help.  he only gets frustrated when you won't let him try.  that is one of the qualities i love most about him. i must hear "no, mommy/mads/daddy me do it!" 50 times a day.

- he can do most puzzles and is getting better at matching the picture instead of just matching the shape (he has a puzzle set where all the shapes are the same so i know that he is looking at the picture more).  his teachers at school have mentioned that his ability to do the 'hard' puzzles is impressive and their 'hard' puzzles are just the shape cut out kind, not an actual jigsaw type puzzle that he does at home.

- dressing himself is rarely a problem. he is very focused on not putting things on backwards.

- potty training has been illusive.  he starts out fine and can go in the potty without any trouble, but then he starts begging for a diaper and stops making any effort to go in the potty.  i think he is one that we just have to wait for him to decide when it is time.  unfortunately.  his will to wear diapers is stronger than ours to quit diapers.  the last time we potty trained (a few weeks ago) he was so determined to put his underwear back on by himself that he got a leg hole around his waist!  and it was very tight.  we couldn't believe that he was able to pull it up over his bottom without getting frustrated or giving up.

- he has started taking a book to bed with him just like bunny bear.  it doesn't matt which book because he doesn't look at it, he just sleeps with it.  he has also taken to 'reading' by himself instead of having us read to him although he does listen to stories when we read at bedtime with madelyn.

- he has a strong interest in basketball.  matt says that it must skip a generation since papa and big pop both played and matt and i didn't.

- still sucking his thumb.  i have started working with him about only sucking it when it is sleeping time and he seems to be very accepting of that rule.  i am actually impressed by him immediate removal of his thumb with a smile.

- he notices everything and talks almost non-stop.  i love listening to him.

- mason loves being my "helper" when we go shopping and he truly is helpful by carrying things and getting items off shelves.

you always hear how wild boys are but mason seems to be pretty tame.  don't get me wrong he comes at you full speed when it is play/wrestle time and is "all boy" at times.  we are very proud of him and love how loving he is to everyone around him.  so there is a little update on our growing boy.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a sweet boy. Great update. I sense no 'terrible twos'. We're having a blast with our strong-willed almost three year old down here :) But love her to pieces :)