Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the kids are still growing and changing

we are nearing "unpacked" status!  it has been SO much work and the kids are not very willing to let us unpack while they are awake.  and while i haven't been posting very much, they have certainly been busy!  i would say that the biggest changes have been mason's speech and maddux' walking.  and since i haven't taken a moment to capture any on video, i did today.

it was picture make-up day at school again (the first one was before we moved and the photos got 'lost', the second was cancelled due to the photographer being ill and today was try number three for some families).  since it was not actually a day when mason stays for class, they 'snuck' us in right at the start of the day.  i am hoping that the pictures are not too crazy expensive, because i think that they got some really cute ones of each kid on their own and of madelyn and mason together.  the photographer offered to have maddux join in too, but he burst into tears after the first awkward shot and i told her not to worry about him.  he wasn't feeling well and i wasn't going to force it.  i was bummed that i didn't think to take any pictures myself before going to school, but oh well.

after maddux' nap, madelyn really wanted him to snuggle with her while he drank his milk.  and much to my surprise (and delight) he did!  i got a few cute ones, but they were both watching a cartoon and not that interested in looking at the camera.
and mason didn't want to be left out so he gave me a few "cheese" pictures.  for some reason the lighting was different from that angle and the pictures didn't come out as nicely.
then we headed down to the basement to play with the toys.  it would be a lot more ideal if they would play down there without matt and/or me, but they (read: madelyn) won't.  we are hoping that with time they will.  i think it is still a little adjusting from always being together in the apartment.

maddux is full on walking now.  i honestly can't remember the last time he crawled.  here is a little video of him.  he isn't quite steady enough to hold my hand and walk in public but at home he gets around just fine.
i was trying to ask mason questions about school because he talks about it almost non-stop, but he was more interested in golfing.  i love the way he says "pumpkin pie" (he made a cute pumpkin pie craft last week that he really liked).  and the video redeems itself at the end...
 and our day ended with a beautiful and complete rainbow behind the house!  the sun came out between the clouds just long enough for us to get a good look at the rainbow - the picture does not do it justice.  madelyn was beside herself with joy because it was the "very first rainbow i have ever even seen!"  of course, it is not the first rainbow that she has ever seen, but it has been a long time (not since wisconsin).
here is a taste of the kids since i haven't been doing a good job here lately.  the boys and i have been sick, so i haven't been willing to give up any sleep for blogging and there just hasn't been time during the day.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Look at all that room to run around!!! I love it! I think I would put the kids down there and leave :) just kidding. The best part is it can be a mess and no one visiting will see... or you can shut the door and pick up later. I bet your pup likes it, too.