Monday, November 7, 2011

contact information

because of all of our moving during the past year, i haven't really bothered to work with madelyn on learning our contact information. i even plan on changing my cell phone number in the near future (if i ever get around to it...).  but her new class was working on phone numbers so i had to teach her mine (we don't have a home number).  i was so proud of her because the teacher asked me on friday afternoon which phone number i wanted her to learn and she went in monday morning with it memorized!  she wouldn't tell it to me but felt confident that she would know it for her teacher.  she had even practiced writing it down and took it to school with her to help her teacher 'test' her.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Yay! Are you liking the new school? More importantly, are the kids liking it? Knowing your phone # (and address ) was on a handout we received at one of our mops meetings - for kindergarten readiness.

Grandma Z. said...

That's a great idea!So glad she knows it.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Madelyn!!! I've got students who don't know theirs. :( I also had a girl call a triangle a square last week!! Oh my!