Tuesday, January 24, 2012

20 weeks

it isn't the best picture (but really, do i like any of them...?).  i wasn't really feeling that well and just wanted to get into my pajamas.  my sleeve kind of covers my 'bump' which has just appeared in the past 2 or 3 days.  it is a little bigger in the picture than normal because i had just had a big dinner with desert and had a wicked stomach bug brewing (i was a little bloated).

half-way there.  and in two more weeks we will get a chance to find out the sex of the baby.

unfortunately, i spent all of monday very, very sick with the bug the kids had.  only i didn't get the 'good' kind.  i got it much, much worse than they did and even called matt to come home early for maybe the second time in 10 years because i was in so much pain and just needed to go to bed.  he only got home 15 minutes early, but it helped get me to bed faster.  and the kids were one their best behavior since they were all feeling 100% again so it was more about me having to leave the unsupervised more than i was comfortable with that made me call matt.  thankfully, i had already planned on a slow cooker meal and he just needed to make cornbread to go with dinner.

here is a picture of me just shy of 20 weeks with maddux for comparison, i think that i am actually smaller this time.
'belly picture'?  check.  now i can wait a few weeks before having to take another.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

You look great. Your belly is smaller than your Maddux picture but that will change soon!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Lookin' great! Yes, you do seem a little smaller than MAddux belly. I bet you're glad that bug has passed. Did Matt elude it? Nothing worse than being pretty pregnant and suffering a stomach bug. I had food poisoning like seven months pregnant with Kinley - and had to get on a plane!!!

Candice said...

You look great! I'm 27 weeks now (with one) so it looks like my 3 and your youngest 2 will all be very close in age!