Saturday, January 21, 2012

hair cuts

now that maddux had his one-year pictures, we took him in for his first hair cut!  and since i had gotten mason's hair pretty uneven last time, i had them cut his hair too.

maddux kept enough length to keep his curls.  it was a little sad to cut off the length in the back, but he was starting to look a little too 'pretty' and i was getting the urge to put a clip in front when he ate - it was time.

we got no pictures of the actual haircut because matt had to go get cash when we discovered that they didn't accept credit cards and i had to hold the boys on my lap for each of their turns.  and then i didn't take 'before' and 'after' pictures either.  so here are pictures the next afternoon during snack time.
mason's haircut wasn't any better than i do (at least i blend it better in the front so that his bangs aren't so straight), so i will most likely do the rest of their haircuts.  he was pretty proud and wanted me to take his picture too.
i had gotten the play-doh out for the kids during nap time and they just kept right on playing into the afternoon.  maddux even got in on the action and only tried to taste it once.  i think madelyn played with it for almost 5 hours straight!  it was a great quiet activity for them and we need to do it more often (i just hate cleaning up all of the little crumbs left behind on the floor when they are done). love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Maddux's hair gets the curly-mom stamp of approval :) Knox is looking at a cut here soon. I'm with you on the play doh- great entertainment, but those sticky little crumbs....

Grandma Z. said...

Both boys look adorable and I am so glad I can see their eyes now. Maddux still has some of his curls and it looks great!