Saturday, January 14, 2012

one-year pictures

so i am pretty late with maddux' one year pictures.  but at least i finally got him in!  (he hasn't helped with bruising his face at least once a week and having a super red nose from a fall on the concrete and tissue wiping.)  he was all smiles and personality in the waiting room even clapping and 'talking' to other waiting but the second we walked into the studio he clung to me for dear life.  the photographer commented on the change.  the had to crop me out of most of the pictures just to get any.  he was semi-willing to sit on the little chair for a bit but most of the time he cried and clung.  i was amazed that we got as many decent pictures as we did; at least i don't have to bring him back again until the birthdays in june. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Looks kind of like your dad in the last one. Maybe he'll do better when in pics with his siblings.