doesn't that just say it all? potty training is going fairly well so far. the past few times he has done well for the first three days or so and then mason gives up entirely and puts forth no more effort to make it to the potty. he hasn't had a ton of successes, but he is very enthusiastic about keeping his underwear dry and gets super excited when he gets even a little urine in the potty.
it occurred to me that i do not want three kids in diapers come june so we are going to try and hang tough this time for more than a week. we do put a diaper on him at night and he doesn't go while he is sleeping so we just need to build the successes during the day before we will let him sleep in the underwear. the getting out of the diaper and into underwear in the morning has been the most difficult part so far, but once he is in his underwear he is very happy about it. and he stays dry in public - so far. i am hoping that going to school this week will really help him with the transition to using the potty all the time. i know that it helped reinforce things for madelyn.
time will tell. love.
Mason is just too cute with underwear on his head! How's it going?
Mason looks so different with his hair back :) Three in diapers?! yikes!
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