Sunday, April 29, 2012

furry friends

mowing the grass today matt found a rabbit burrow in our yard.  and the kids got to see at least one of the baby bunnies hopping around (i think matt had seen three in total).  it was the smallest wild bunny i have ever seen! maybe four or five inches.  i think that we are going to have to do something to protect our garden from furry friends this year (there are also groundhogs to worry about around here) since we aren't putting the garden in the backyard where maggie is, but on the side(s) of the house instead.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

That's so great for the kids to see. We had some in our yard and they were just below the mower line. I couldn't stand to see dad mow the grass. I was afraid one would jump into the mower. They are adorable when they are so tiny.