Wednesday, April 4, 2012

picnic lunch

the kids are super excited to have patio furniture!  matt and i are pretty happy about it too.  (it is composite wood which we thought was pretty nice.)  i think maddux likes it best of all and is constantly 'asking' to eat or play on the deck.  maddux or mason will just pick up their lunch plates (or snack) and carry it to the door.  we can't wait to use it regularly this summer.  now the hunt is on for the right grill... (we didn't dig our old one out of the snow when we moved.)  love.


Grandma Z. said...

I'm sure there will be lots of fun eating out on the deck this summer!I know how excited the kids were about having a table.

Witenkling Mommy said...

composite wood, that's a great idea. we would like something weather proof for our porch. this was IKEA, right?