Friday, April 20, 2012

registered for kindergarten

last night i went to wait in line and register madelyn for kindergarten. matt has golf league on thursday nights so we had to hire a babysitter. the kids were just disappointed that i wasn't gone longer! we were amazed with the information and documentation required! the funniest (or scariest) was the 'technology' agreement that madelyn had to sign too. it was two pages and full of leagalese related to the use of computers within the school system. when she asked me what she was signing, i told her that it was the computer rules and she was signing to say that she wouldn't do things she wasn't supposed to do on them. i wonder how legally binding a 4-year-olds signature is? love.


Anonymous said...

Funny -- a 4 yr old signature!! Yes, you will need a big basket or binder for school information! Nana

mom2mlg said...

unfortunately, they weren't giving much information, just collecting. i guess we go in august to meet teachers and see the school.

Grandma Z. said...

That is really scary that a 4 year old has to sign a contract that they can't possibly read or understand. I hope you co-signed for her (HA).

Witenkling Mommy said...

sounds a lot simpler than our process :) Can you believe they are about to start Kindergarten?!!!

mom2mlg said...

yes. much, much simpler. i did just find out that we could choose to have a mixed age class so I have to look into that a little.

and, no, it is so hard to believe that we are giving over her days to someone else! school runs 8:55 - 3.