Friday, January 3, 2014

snow day

we were the only school district around here to go back to school yesterday, so we were the only ones to have a snow day today! i got the call at a dinner for my book club last night (remarkably, i was the first one to know at a dinner with several teachers). apparently, it was just too cold (a wind chill of -5).  it makes me wonder if we will have snow days next week where the temperatures are really going to drop on monday and tuesday (the high for tuesday has been forecast as -5 or 0! that is without wind chills).

poor madelyn missed her chance for "star student". we are hoping that her teacher allows her to have next week instead of doubling up with whoever was assigned next week.

at least it is supposed to be 'warm' (around 30) and sunny tomorrow so we might be able to build a snowman if it isn't too windy.


update: after dinner the kids decided that they would just pretend they were outdoors with a 'picnic'. it is so much fun to see them all playing together now.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

What did people do before heaters?!?! I can't even imagine how cold that must be. Enjoy your time together. :)