Thursday, January 16, 2014

super find!

i was driving the boys home from school and slammed on the breaks after passing something on the side of the road.  backing up i saw that what i glimpsed driving past were four old school desks - for free!  i was really excited.  especially when i got out and found them to be in excellent condition! i had one or two of these when i was growing up and had recently thought that it would be great to find some of these for the kids. i never dreamed that i would find four!

now the dilemma was how to get them home and if matt would kill me for bringing them home. i tried calling him at work but couldn't reach him so i set about figuring out how to get them in the van - two in the back, one in the passenger seat and one dropped over manning into the middle of the van.  i just made it!

as soon as we got them home the boys had to give them a try and madelyn was thrilled when she got home too. even matt was happy about them. he was even more excited when he started looking up their values online. the desks are fairly dusty, dirty and cobweb-y so they are living in the garage for now, but i have grand plans for a play 'school room' in the basement - once the kids get their toys cleaned up... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I agree - an awesome score. And four of them - meant to be :)