Saturday, November 8, 2014

science lab building set

this morning manning participated in his first building project at lowe's - and got a new apron! madelyn was excited because the project was a science lab! manning, madelyn and i set up on the floor and matt, mason and maddux worked on the 'table' set up.

the kids were all pretty excited about their labs and they even came with 8-10 experiments they can do! we can't wait to get going at home.

when we were done, we spent quite some time checking out all of the christmas decorations! we just love christmas. manning doesn't really remember christmas and he is seeing everything like it is for the first time! you should have seen him marveling over the pre-lit trees today. i can't wait to take him to the christmas tree festival on thanksgiving! love.


Grandma Z. said...

Even Manning got to do that neat project! So cute!

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love that age- when it seems like their first Christmas because everything seems new but really it's just increased awareness! Looks like a cool project.