Thursday, February 12, 2015


the boys and i left the house and went to pick up madelyn early from school for our super special surprise. the only one of the kids who knew where we were going was mason (there was a total meltdown of 'unfairness' that led to him being told a secret - and he kept it too!). they were all guessing what we could be doing that would require us taking madelyn out of school.

they did know that grandma was coming soon, but we didn't want to give them any specifics in case anything happened to prevent her from being able to come. it had been 15-months since we have gotten to visit with her! much too long!

as soon as madelyn read the airport signs at the exit, she knew. and quickly told her brothers! we were a little early because it was snowing and i wanted to allow for enough time. the kids kept themselves busy all on their own...

and then she was here! a little early even!

and, of course, grandma had to lighten her gift load as soon as we arrived at the house. since manning is such a fan of his olaf hat (one of the rare warm items i can get him to wear most of the time), she found him an olaf sweatshirt that he is very happy about. baby steps. baby steps. it is warmer than the long sleeve t-shirt he normally wears outside.

it is going to be crazy cold while grandma is here and there will even be several inches of snow, but we are just looking forward to spending some time together! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Your airport looked empty. So sweet to see them running for her in the last video. I'm so happy she was able to come up to see you.