even though he was very angry at the idea of not wearing a diaper, matt took the big kids out for the morning and i toughed it out. he can't go to preschool in a few weeks if he isn't potty trained. once he calmed down and we got down to it, he learned very quickly and had very few accidents. (manning does insist wearing his underwear backwards though - and it is adorable.)
after potty training all four, i must pass on the recommendation that was given to us - "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day" (http://www.amazon.com/Toilet-Training-Less-Tha…/…/0671693808). it focuses on keeping their underwear dry and it has worked in 4 hours will all of the kids (when they were ready of course). love.
1 comment:
Very cool! We're getting closer. Winnie 'gets' what it feels like to genuinely have to go. Beckett, not so much. They started this, not me, and its driving me bonkers!! (adding bed transition into the mix, and the fact that they are twins... lots of EXTRA FUN!)
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