Sunday, July 5, 2015

the mark of the mosquito

poor mason and manning have relatively severe reactions to mosquito bites. madelyn usually swells up too, but didn't this time. mason's face was so swollen that they came and got us at church because they were so concerned. the left side of his face and his right ear were very swollen in addition to the bites all over his neck, arms and legs. add on being tired from the late night and he was sort of a sad sight.

manning's swelling wasn't quite as bad, but the sheer number was striking. since he had fallen asleep, he had a lot from not bothering to even brush them away - including on his eyelid of his eye not buried in my chest. every inch of exposed flesh was covered with bites.

all i can say is that we will make some different preparations next year. although other neighbors did say that bug spray, torches, etc. were ineffective for them too.

the hazards of a wet summer. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yikes! I feel ya- the wet summer has led to WAY more than normal mosquitoes, and subsequent bites around here. Winnie is a magnet. Crazy how five kids can be in the same place and only one or two get bites.