Monday, November 26, 2007

daddy's birthday

yea! today is matt's birthday! (not that we are doing anything special.) we have postponed celebrating until the weekend of december 7 since matt has to work on reviews until then. but i have promised him a celebratory weekend including a turkey dinner (his favorite).

we lowered madelyn's crib mattress to the lowest level this weekend and it looks like we did so just in time... when i went in to get her from her morning nap she was peeking over the bumper and had her arm hanging over the top! if we had not lowered the mattress, she would have been over the top of the crib! she was obviously pleased with herself. she even held the position long enough for me to run and grab the camera to capture her accomplishment.

this video is of maddie playing with a block today. i started filming because she was rocking on her hands and knees again, but she stopped as soon as i got the camera and didn't do it at all while i was filming! but you can see one of the many ways she occupies her time while i work...

here is another video of her playing in my office. she was holding the yellow part with her one hand and spinning the ball with the other, but of course she switched things up once i got to filming... she has always favored this toy on the exersaucer, but there is much more intent and repetition in her actions now. enjoy!

i guess that is all for tonight. matt will be home in the next few hours and i have to make my final preparations for a small birthday acknowledgement tonight (i couldn't let the actual day go by without some celebration). love.

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